Baber Woods is a 51-acre woodlot that is a remnant of a onetime larger forest that occupied the Shelbyville Moraine. An inventory of the woody vegetation shows that the present stand is composed of 107 steins per acre (4" and above in diameter) with a basal area of 105 ft . Thirty-nine woody species are present on the site, with white oak being the leading dominant. Sugar maple, pignut hickory and black oak follow in order of Importance Value Index. The site contains 3 well-defined areas. The 1st area contains numerous large trees of sugar maple and oak; the 2nd contains numerous large trees of oak and hickory, and the 3rd. a small area of 3 acres that was clear cut in 1898, is dominated by numerous small trees of maple, ash, elm and walnut. Sugar maple appeared to be increasing, as indicated by its large number of saplings and seedlings and lower diameter class trees found throughout the woodlot.