Potato flour as partial replacement of wheat flour in bread: baking studies and nutritional value of bread containing graded levels of potato flour*

Summary: Potato flour (PF) is a material that does not differ significantly from wheat flour (WF) with regards to its physical appearance and chemical composition. For that reason it may be used in bread making. In this study mixtures of wheat flour and potato flour were prepared containing PF at levels of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%. The farinograph properties of wheat flour affected by addition of potato flour were studied. Water absorption increased gradually from 62% for WF to 79% for blend with 8% PF. Other parameters such as development time, weakening of dough (Brabender units) and valorimeter value (W) were adversely modified by the addition of potato flour. The bread properties were studied using mixtures containing 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 15% PF. The substitution of WF produced increases in water absorption, loaf weight and loaf volume as compared to all‐wheat bread. In addition, bread containing PF retained moisture for longer periods than normal bread. Loaves made from wheat flour and 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10% potato flour were tested for their chemical composition and protein efficiency ratio (PER) in the rat. Moisture of bread increased with each increase in the level of potato flour substitution. The protein content of bread showed a progressive fall from 6.8% (at 4% level) to 6.3% (at 10% level). The protein efficiency ratio did not change significantly with the inclusion of potato flour up to 8% compared to all‐wheat, but at the 10% level there was a significant reduction in this parameter (P < 0.05).

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