Tetcyclacis and Abscisic Acid-Sensitive Reduction of Extracellular Ferricyanide by Mesophyll Cells ofValerianella locustaandLemna gibba

Electron transport across the plasma membrane of Valerianella locusta mesophyll cells and intact fronds of Lemna gibba, induced by 10−3 M ferricyanide, was inhibited by tetcyclacis, an inhibitor regarded to be specific for cytochrome P-450 mono-oxygenases. The effect was dependent on the concentration of tetcyclacis and the duration of preincubation. The apparent rate of trans-membrane electron transport increased in the presence of catalase, indicating tetcyclacis-induced H2O2-production or additional tetcyclacis-independent H2O2 release. The findings suggest an interaction of cytochrome P-450 with the plasma membrane-located electron transport chain. This redox-chain could be involved in the degradation of abscisic acid, being located at the plasma membrane. This assumption is supported by the finding that ABA inhibits extracellular ferricyanide reduction.

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