The intraperitoneal injection of a single dose (200 mg/kg) of a freshly prepared alloxan-distilled water solution produced a hemolytic anemia within 1 day which persisted for 6 days after which the erythrocytes approached normal values. The peripheral anemia was substantiated by a drop in nucleated red cells of the myelogram causing an increased myeloid/erythroid ratio. No changes occurred in the total white cell counts. The differentials revealed a neutrophilia within the first 24 hours. Myelograms demonstrated an increase in total granulocytes with a marked rise in myeloblasts and young neutrophiles preceding the increase in the percentages of mature neutrophiles. Adrenal and kidney histology was normal. The spleen showed an increase in megakaryocytes and macrophages while the pancreas showed the usual necrotic changes of the beta cells.