The modulation of smooth muscle cell phenotype is an early event in human aorto-coronary saphenous vein grafts

Summary The morphological changes in human vein grafts occurring in the first days after a coronary bypass operation (CBP) are rarely reported in the literature. Sections of aorto-coronary vein grafts from 11 patients who died during the first 10 days after a CBP were obtained at autopsy. The number of vein grafts per patient ranged from 1 to 4, yielding a total of 28 vein grafts. The early changes in the vein grafts have been studied by light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The study demonstrates that soon after grafting, the vein wall is infiltrated by polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN). At 24 h the endothelium shows extensive desquamation. The massive migration of PMN through the venous wall occurs simultaneously with the endothelial damage. The circular layer of the media is severely damaged, resulting in a loss of smooth muscle cells (SMC). The remaining SMC in this layer show a change toward the synthetic phenotype and a reduced expression of α-smooth muscle actin. These early changes in the SMC function may initiate the process of fibrosis in the intima and the media of the vein grafts.