Λ10Approximation for Self-Bound Many-Fermion Systems

We investigate several approximations for self-bound many-fermion systems, each of which employs the Green's-function formalism together with a suitable factorization to close the otherwise infinite hierarchy of coupled integral equations. The particular approximations, which attempt to include the important two-body correlations for short-range forces, differ in the choice of propagator Λ for two-particle intermediate states in the T matrix used to calculate the two-body correlation function. The advantages and shortcomings of the choice Λ00G10G10 have been noted previously and are not treated here. We show that the choice Λ10G10G1, which appears in a "natural" factorization, is formulated in a manner which preserves much of the simplicity of the Λ00 approximation. (Numerical calculations using the Λ10 approximation are presented by Foster in the following paper.) The ground-state energies for three Λ approximations (Λ00, Λ10, and Λ11G1G1) are expanded through third order in the interaction strength to facilitate comparison with each other and with the Brueckner-Goldstone series. Numerical comparison of these third-order contributions for a square-well potential is presented. Λ10 is in dramatically closer agreement with the full perturbation theory (for kF0c1) than are the other Λ approximations or Brueckner theory.