Deuteron quadrupole coupling constants in CD3F and 1,3,5-C6D3F3

The deuteron quadrupole coupling constants in the deuterated methyl fluoride and 1,3,5‐trifluorobenzene molecules have been determined from nematic phase studies using a pulsed FT NMR spectrometer. The values obtained in the molecular symmetry axis system are as follows: χ z z = −47.8±1.5 kHz (in CD3F) and χ z z = −94.4±0.7 kHz (in 1,3,5‐C6D3F3). If the field gradient tensor is assumed to be diagonal in the C–D bond axis system, the values of the coupling constants referred to the C–D bond are given by χCD = 133±7 kHz (in CD3F, η = 0.03±0.03) and χCD = 180±3 kHz (in 1,3,5‐C6D3F3, η = 0.05±0.01).