The Influence of the Beliefs of Nurses: A Clinical Example of a Post-Myocardial-Infarction Couple

The beliefs held by nurses have the potential to influence the beliefs of the individuals andfamiliesfor whom they care. This clinical example presents the experience of a couple who presented with marital conflict at the Family Nursing Unit, University of Calgary, about 8 months following the husband's second myocardial infarction. As the story of this couple's recovery experience unfolded, the constraining influence of the hospital nurses' beliefs on the wife's behavior throughout her husband's recovery became evident. The iatrogenically induced beliefs constrained the wife from voicing her concerns directly to her husband because she believed she could increase her husband's stress and make him ill. A clinical model offamily systems nursing that focuses on beliefs guided the assessment and intervention offered to the couple. Ironically, this clinical case example describes how one group of nurses assisted the family by challenging the beliefs of another group of nurses. The importance and influence of beliefs, particularly the beliefs of nurses, are highlighted.

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