Seasonality of birth of patients with childhood diabetes in Britain

The details of the three registers have been reported previously.2 3 4 To ensure that the populations were independent, cases incident in Yorkshire2 and Scotland3 were excluded from the population in the British Paediatric Association's study.4 The analysis was restricted to births during the time common to all three populations—that is, 1974-88. The method of Walter and Elwood was used for analysis of seasonality of month of birth.5 We adjusted for the seasonality of live births in the general population by constructing pseudocohorts of births on the basis of the number of births during each month of the study. The numbers of live births in England and Wales published by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys were used for analysis of the data from Yorkshire and the British Paediatric Association's study.2 4 The numbers of live births obtained from the registrar general for Scotland were used for analysis of the Scottish data.3