Phenotypic effects of short-range and aberrant transposition in Antirrhinum majus

We describe two novel ways in which changes in gene expression in Antirrhinum majus may arise as a consequence of the Tam3 transposition mechanism. One involves excision of Tam3 from the nivea gene promoter and insertion of two new Tam3 copies 3.4 kb and 2.1 kb away, on either side of the excision site. One of the new insertions is in the nivea coding region and completely blocks production of an active gene product. This allele probably arose by a symmetrical double transposition, following chromosome replication. The second case involves a small deletion at one end of Tam3 in the pallida gene, flanked by a sequence typical of a Tam3 excision footprint. This suggests that the end of Tam3 was cleaved at an early step in an attempted transposition and re-ligated back to its original flanking sequence. The alteration restores some expression to the pallida gene, suggesting that the ends of the intact Tam3 element contain components which can actively inhibit gene expression. The implications of these findings for the mechanism of Tam3 transposition and for the effects of Tam3 on host gene expression are discussed.