Evidence for Dependence of Resonant Frequency of Millimeter Wave Interaction withEscherichia coliK12 Cells on Haploid Genome Length

The method of anomalous viscosity time dependence (AVTD) was used to study the influence of millimeter electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the genome conformational state (GCS) of Escherichiu coli K12 cells. Strain N99 of wild-type, lysogenic strains N99(A) and N99(λ,λimm434bio10) were used. In the 41.28-41.37 GHz and 51.73-51.79 GHz ranges the resonance effect of low-intensity EMR (10-10 W/cm2) on the GCS of N99 cells was shown. The resonance frequencies were 41.324 ± 0.001 GHz and 51.765 ± 0.002 GHz, respectively. The insertion in bacterial chromosome of prophage λ [strain N99(λ)] and prophage λimm434bio10 [strain N99(λ, λimm434bio10)] reduced both resonance frequencies considerably. The decrease of both resonance frequencies was proportionate to the increase of the haploid genome length. Shifts of the resonance frequency were not accompanied by change in the sign of effective circular EMR polarization. The results indicate that the frequencies of resonance interaction of E. coli cells with low-intensity millimeter waves are determined by the genome structure. A physical model was suggested to describe the observed shift of the resonance frequency.