Pigeon (Columba L.) meat iron solubility and availability for absorption in rats

1. The distribution of iron in 59Fe-labelled pigeon (Columba L.) leg and breast muscle and liver were determined by gel filtration. While the insoluble Fe was between 14 and 25% of the total Fe from the tissues, the haem-Fe represented 79.1% (breast) to 45% (liver) of the total Fe and ferritin was between 5.5% (breast) and 26.5% (liver) of the total Fe.2. The tissue haem-Fe concentration was found to be lower than that determined by gel filtration using the method of Schricker et al. (1982) for non-haem-Fe and obtaining haem-Fe by difference.3. A simulated in vitro digestion procedure showed significantly (P < 0.01) reduced 59Fe solubility from 59Fe-labelled pigeon meat after cooking at 90° for 30 min.4. 59Fe absorption from whole pigeon meat and soluble extract was significantly reduced by cooking when given to Fe-replete rats. Cooking liver, however, slightly improved 59Fe absorption in Fe-replete rats.5.59Fe absorption from the separated pigeon-meat fractions (haemoproteins, ferritin and haemosiderin) was variable but considerably lower than that from whole meat.6. The relative distribution of Fe compounds in meat, the processing conditions they are subjected to and the protein content and composition may all influence the absorption of meat-Fe to some degree.