Monoiodo-acetate does not inhibit the fertilization process in the Arbacia egg. Thus enzymatic or other activities in which SH-groups are involved do not play any essential role in fertilization. The penetration of the iodoacetate into the unfertilized eggs under the conditions of the expts. reported has been ascertained. The normal increase of respiration following fertilization takes place also in 0.03 [image] iodoacetate but there is soon a considerable decrease of respiration, which can be prevented by addition of lactate or pyruvate. This addition does however not remove the injury caused to the fertilized eggs by addition of iodoacetate. The resistance of the unfertilized egg to the injurious action of iodoacetate is much higher than that of the fertilized egg. The morphological defects caused by a treatment of the eggs by iodoacetate before fertilization are located in the anterior or animal part of the larva. The formation of these defects is prevented by addition of pyruvate to the eggs after fertilization. A carbohydrate breakdown providing material for aerobic oxidations seems to be a necessary condition for the full morphological differentiation of the anterior (animal) part of the larva.