Implementation Principles and Strategies for Title XXI (State Children's Health Insurance Program)

A major provision of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 established the State Children's Health Insurance Program (Title XXI of the Social Security Act). This program is a historic milestone in the financing of health care for children. Not since the enactment of Medicaid has there been a greater investment in children's health care. Title XXI does not create universal coverage for all children, but this program does offer an unprecedented opportunity to expand insurance to a large portion of uninsured children. Title XXI of the Social Security Act makes >$40 billion in federal grants available to states over the next 10 years to provide health insurance coverage, including Medicaid. However, states must contribute a defined share of funds to obtain federal matching funds. The legislation gives great flexibility to states in designing and implementing their programs, and it is critical that they do this in a timely manner. If states fail to use all State Children's Health Insurance Program funds available, it is possible that future federal funding will be reduced. If this happens, a major opportunity to improve the health insurance coverage of America's children will be diminished.