Brains, retrocerebral complexes and frontal and suboesophageal ganglia of adult American cockroaches, Periplameta americana, were immunohistochemically investigated with a specific monoclonal antibody (McAb) directed against a well characterized antigenic determinant, namely the COOH terminus of the endecapeptide substance P (SP). This resulted in the detection of several neurons and nerve fibres containing a substance antigenically closely related to this typically vertebrate neuropeptide. No difference in staining pattern could be observed between male and female insects. Related to the age of the adult specimens, however, a slight quantitative difference in SP immunoreactivity seems to occur, which probably might have functional implications. The SP-like peptide demonstrated in this study appears to be located in different neuronal structures than the ones that we earlier described as containing ACTH-, CRF-, OT-, AVP-, NP I-, NP II-, BPP-, FMRFamide-, AKH-, met-ENK-, FSH-, LH- and LHRF-like material (Verhaert et al. 1984a, b, 1985; Verhaert and De Loof 1985a, b).