Effect of Cholinergic Drugs on Development of Chick Embryo.

Large doses of acetylcholine (1.20-2.85 mg) were injected in the yolk sac, air chamber, or directly on the embryo during the 4-12 day incubation period. These doses were well tolerated by the embryo and attended with no gross abnormalities. Atropine similarly given produced no malformations. The yolk sac of 4-day embryos was injected with weak doses (0.05 mg) of physostigmine salicylate. Shortened beaks, micromelia, and retarded development of eyelids were seen at 8-13 days'' incubation. With larger doses (1-15 mg) of prostigmine bromide or physostigmine salicylate, the above mentioned anomalies were generally associated with severe midline bendings of the vertebral column, and this was interpreted as specific for cholinesterase inhibition.