Fishes of the Jefferson Formation of Utah

CAMPTASPIS (p. 510) (an acanthaspid, family Incertae sedis), compared with Acanthaspis armatus and Phlyctaenaspis acadica, type C. utahensis* (p. 510); Aspidichthys sp.* ?; CARDIPELTIS (p. 517) (a pteraspid), similar to Pteraspis, Palaeaspis, and Cyathaspis, type C. wallacii* (p. 517) ; GLOSSOIDASPIS (p. 523), closest to Pteraspis, type G. giganteus* (p. 523) ; Dinichthys (?) jeffersonensis* (p. 529) ; Ptyctodus cf. calceolus. All from the Devonian. Types in coll. Univ. Missouri.