Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Understory Distribution Patterns and Species Associations

Different aged trees of singleleaf pinyon (P. monophylla Torr. and Frem.) provided a chronosequence of undergrowth response to increasing tree dominance. Undergrowth composition and distribution around the tree stem changed as trees increased in size. Tree-induced microhabitats created a mosaic of undergrowth species groups each with their own sere. Individual undergrowth species response to tree effects varied with tree size, topographic aspect, and slope position relative to the tree stem. Succession was more a plant-by-plant process than a species population phenomena, as plants of the same species were enhanced or debilitated during the same time period depending on the plants'' position relative to the tree crown. Existing undergrowth reorganized itself to occupy the evolving tree-induced microhabitats rather than new microhabitats being occupied by invader species.