Antisera to selected outer membrane proteins ofVibrio choleraeprotect against challenge with homologous and heterologous strains ofV. cholerae

Each year cholera epidemics occur in various places around the world. Though there is no effective vaccine against cholera, people who recover from an infection usually have prolonged immunity to the disease. Sera from convalescent patients contain antibodies to a number of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of V. cholerae. We isolated several OMPs (43, 42, 30, and 22 kDa) from V. cholerae V86 El Tor Inaba, sequenced their amino-termini, and generated hyperimmune sera against them in rabbits. Antisera to the 43-, 42-, and 22-kDa OMPs, but not the preimmune sera, significantly reduced V. cholerae-induced fluid secretion seen in rabbit intestinal loops challenged with the homologous strain. In addition, a combination of antisera to the different OMPs reduced the fluid secretion induced by challenge with heterologous V. cholerae Ogawa and O139 strains. These results have significance in the development of vaccines to V. cholerae, as the hyperexpression of these OMP encoding genes in vaccine strains may improve the efficacy of cholera vaccines.