SURGEONS have learned that certain nonabsorbable foreign materials are occasionally useful in surgical reconstruction of certain organs and structures of the body. They have learned that although the foreign material is inferior to living tissue in many respects and never becomes truly a part of the body, materials such as tantalum, vitallium, stainless steel, polyethylene, polyvinyl and methyl methacrylate will often serve in place of living tissue to fill defects or correct deformities. The limitations of foreign materials used at present are well recognized. Foremost of these limitations, and common to all materials in widespread use, is failure to become united with surrounding living tissue. In certain circumstances this characteristic is not a limitation but a desirable quality, in others it is more or less of a handicap, and in still others it constitutes an objection to the use of foreign material. Hence, the finding of nonabsorbable materials, which not