Sweeping on a microchip: Concentration profiles of the focused zone in micellar electrokinetic chromatography

On‐line sample concentration by sweeping was investigated in microchip micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), By changing the distance between the injection cross and the detection points, the profile of the concentration process and the diffusion process in sweeping was elucidated. Rhodamine B injected for 4 s was best concentrated by sweeping at 9.4 mm from the injection cross and the enhancement factor was 450. At the longer distance from this point the peak of Rhodamine B was broadened and diluted by diffusion. The diffusion constant of Rhodamine B calculated from the experiment was 5.7×10–6 cm2s–1. The mixture of rhodamine B, sulforhodamine B, and cresyl fast violet was concentrated by sweeping and separated by MEKC at the same time.