Ag : Sb and Sb : Ag implantations into high purity silica

Silica composites containing nanometer dimension colloids have been fabricated by implantation of Ag ions followed by Sb ions, and by implantation of Sb ions followed by Ag ions. Doses for the sequential element implantations were in ratios of 9 : 3 Ag : Sb and 3 : 9 Sb : Ag with the total dose held constant at 12 × 1016 ions/cm2. Energies of implantation were 305 keV for the Ag ions and 320 keV for the Sb ions. Single element colloids were also fabricated by implantation of Ag or Sb using the same nominal dose and implantation energy of the sequential implantations. Approximately spherical particles were formed in all implanted samples. Microstructures of the nanoclusters in the various samples were markedly different. Selected area diffraction techniques revealed that alloyed phases of Ag–Sb were formed in some of the sequential implantations. The microstructure and the optical response of the nanocluster glass composites were found to be strongly dependent upon the order of the ion species implanted. The optical spectra of the 3 : 9 Sb : Ag sample displays two resonance peaks indicative of a Ag resonance peak and a resonance peak of an alloyed phase of Ag–Sb. Optical spectra for the 9 : 3 Ag : Sb sample displays two broad absorption peaks indicative of coated particles.

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