Low Temperature Effects on Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Wells) Free Amino Acid Pools during Germination

The free amino acid concentrations in cotyledons and axes of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Wells) seedlings were determined by automated single column analysis after germination at 10 and 23 C. After 5 days germination at 10 C, glutamate and aspartate were in high concentration in both cotyledons and axes (38 and 24% of total free amino acids recovered, respectively), whereas the concentrations of their amide derivatives, asparagine and glutamine, were low in cotyledons (4.4%) and high in axes (21%). In contrast, after 5 days germination at 23 C, asparagine and glutamine accounted for 22 and 45% of total free amino acids in cotyledons and axes respectively, and aspartate and glutamate concentrations were low. The activities of glutamine synthetase and asparagine synthetase were considerably lower in tissues from the 10 C treatment than those from the 23 C treatment.