Chronic perceived work stress and blood pressure among Australian government employees.

Prospective data on 2634 Australian government employees over five years were examined for the effects of chronic perceived work stress on blood pressure change. The study sample (2100 men and 534 women) represented 57% of the original volunteers, or 75% of those eligible after exclusion criteria were met. Data on perceived stress were obtained by questionnaire, and a principal component analysis produced six components: qualitative demands, quantitative demands, job control, future control, work support, and outside stress. Multiple linear regression, which controlled for determinants of blood pressure, tested the main effects and specific two-way interaction effects of the chronicity scores of the six components and 30 items. Many items but only some components were associated with blood pressure change. Sex and age differences were observed. The observed interactions between job demands and control provided equivocal support for the Karasek job-strain model. The women responded to workbased support, but not necessarily as predicted.