Confusion in the dietary manage ment of diabetes often arises from the lack of distinction between the two main types of diabetes and the dra matic difference in their dietary man agement. For obese Type II (NIDDM) diabetic individuals the achievement and maintenance of a desirable body weight is the primary nutritional goal of therapy. Other goals include achieving euglycemia and attempting to minimize the vascular manifesta tions of diabetes by correcting lipid ab normalities. Goals and nutritional strategies must be clearly understood so that concepts can be applied indi vidually. The optimal nutrient content of a diabetic diet (C, P, F) cannot yet be precisely defined and may be differ ent for different individuals. Dietary fiber may help to lower the blood glu cose and lipids, and natural foods con taining unrefined carbohydrates and fiber are recommended. Many nutri tive and non-nutritive sweeteners are on the market and, with some appro priate restrictions, can be used. With continual research and the emergence of new facts, it is inevitable that nutri tional recommendations will change.