Demonstration of Probes in Human Periodontal Pockets

Twenty‐two anterior and bicuspid teeth that previously had been designated for extraction, were removed from 11 male patients. Two teeth were extracted from each patient and each tooth had a periodontal pocket of at least 4 mm and a Gingival Index of 2 or 3. One tooth in each patient was subjected to scaling, root planing, and plaque control in an effort to reduce gingival inflammation. By means of an orthodontic tube and composite resin bonding material a periodontal probe under 15 to 20 gm of pressure was fixed in the periodontal pocket of each tooth. The specimens were removed en bloc and histologic specimens prepared. The conclusions were that when the gingiva is inflamed, the tip of the periodontal probe tends to extend to the apical base of the junctional epithelium or slightly beyond but there is great variation in this position. Further, it was concluded that the position of the probe tip during probing is not affected by the depth of the sulcus or periodontal pocket.
Funding Information
  • U.S. Air Force