One-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with nearest-neighbor interaction

We study the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model using the density-matrix renormalization group. For the cases of on-site interactions and additional nearest-neighbor interactions the phase boundaries of the Mott insulators and charge-density wave phases are determined. We find a direct phase transition between the charge-density wave phase and the superfluid phase, and no supersolid or normal phases. In the presence of nearest-neighbor interaction the charge density wave phase is completely surrounded by a region in which the effective interactions in the superfluid phase are repulsive. In this region a single impurity causes the system to be insulating. An even bigger region of the superfluid phase is driven into a Bose-glass phase by any finite quenched disorder. We determine the boundaries of both regions in the phase diagram. The ac conductivity of the superfluid phase in the attractive and the repulsive region is calculated, and a big superfluid stiffness is found in the attractive as well as the repulsive region.