Six new loci controlling resistance top-fluorophenylalanine inAspergillus nidulans

SUMMARY: Twelve FPA-resistant mutants were selected on medium containingp-fluorophenylalanine and ethionine. Dominance tests in heterozygous diploids showed that 8 out of 12 are dominant and 4 recessive to their wild-type alleles. One mutant,fpa60, showed a partial requirement for tyrosine and was found to be allelic to anfpaAmutant described previously. A tyrosine non-requirer,fpa65, was also assigned to this locus. The other 10 mutants did not show any growth requirement and were simultaneously resistant to ethionine and 3-amino-L-tyrosine. Of the 8 dominant mutants, 3 were allelic to the permease-mutants at the locusfpaD.Dominant mutants showed higher degrees of resistance than recessive ones. Six new loci, identified after preliminary genetic analysis, were located on 3 linkage groups: 3 on linkage group VI, and one each on linkage groups I, V, and VIII. The recombinantfpaD11;fpaK69 was found to be sensitive to FPA.