Renal Abnormalities in Schoolchildren

To establish prevalence of some renal abnormalities in schoolchildren, an epidemiologic study of 132 686 schoolchildren, including 69 903 boys and 62 783 girls, was conducted from March 1987 to May 1988 in the city of Taipei. At the health station of each school, the students were screened quickly by a physician with portable real-time ultrasound equipment. When a renal abnormality was detected or suspected, the examinee was referred to Taipei Municipal Women and Children's Hospital for further investigation. Radiologic and urologic procedures were then selectively performed to establish the correct diagnosis. Renal abnormalities were detected in 645 students (approximately 0.5% of total population screened). There were 256 cases of hydronephrosis, 103 cases of unilateral renal agenesis, 128 cases of unilateral small kidney, 90 cases of renal cystic disorders, 30 cases of ectopic kidney, and 38 cases of other abnormalities. Surgically correctable lesions were demonstrated in 50 of these students. Rapid renal ultrasonography was found to effectively detect some renal abnormalities initially, and prevalence could then be established after further investigations.