MMPI Indices of Personality Change following Short- and Long-Term Hospitalization of Heroin Addicts

The present investigation examined test-retest MMPI profile patterns for two highly similar groups of hardcore heroin addicts: 30 clients admitted to 6-mo. hospitalization in the NIMH Clinical Research Center, Fort Worth and 28 addicts confined approximately 6 wk. in an inpatient hospital setting. MMPI changes following hospitalization were characterized by decreases in scale scores on almost every clinical scale with higher elevations on scales reflecting ego strength and personal guardedness. Elevations on Scales Pd and Ma remained relatively constant over intake and discharge conditions, while scores on Scales Hs and Hy were particularly sensitive to changes in circumstance. Although both conditions produced diagnostic signs of general improvement, changes in personality functioning appeared to be most dramatic in the shorter, more intensive treatment condition.