Modified Whipf's Polychrome: A Connective Tissue Stain with Special Application for DemonstratingLeishmania

A polychrome stain procedure was developed to demonstrate amastigotes of the protozoan parasite Leishmania braziliensis as well as cytoplasmic and other tissue components in cutaneous lesions of infected animals. The procedure is as follows: stain nuclei for 10 minutes with an iron hematoxylin containing 0.5% hematoxylin and 0.75% ferric ammonium sulfate dissolved in 1:1 0.6 N H2SO4:95% ethanol; rinse 4 minutes in distilled water. Cytoplasmic staining is achieved by exposing tissues for 10 minutes to a solution containing 0.25% Biebrich scarlet, 0.45% orange G, 0.5% phosphomolybdic acid and 0.5% phosphotungstic acid in 1% aqueous acetic acid. These first two solutions are modified from Whipf's polychrome stain. Sections are differentiated for 10 seconds in 50% ethanol, rinsed in water, stained 3 minutes in 0.1% aniline blue WS in saturated aqueous picric acid, rinsed in water and differentiated for 1 minute in absolute ethanol containing 0.05% acetic acid. Mordanting overnight in 6% picric acid in 95% ethanol produced optimal results. This procedure was applied to sectioned material from experimental animals with various protozoa. Trypanosoma cruzi, Besnoitia Jellisoni, Toxoplasma gondii and especially Leishmania braziliensis were well demonstrated. Combining cytoplasmic dyes and phosphomolybdic-phosphotungstic acids into one solution afforded differential staining of tissues by Biebrich scarlet and orange G; connective tissues were stained by this solution. Substantially improved definition of connective tissues resulted after counterstaining. This procedure differs from the Massou sequence in which connective tissues are first stained by cytoplasmic dyes along with other tissues and then destained prior to specific counter-staining. in comparing dyes structurally related to Biebrich scarlet, it was found that Crocein scarlet MOO, but not Poncenu S, was an acceptable substitute. Sirius supra blue GL and Sirius red FSBA were not useful as replacements for aniline blue WS in this procedure.