First Prize: Laparoscopic Orthotopic Ileal Neobladder

Background and Purpose: Orthotopic ileal neobladder is currently the preferred continent urinary diversion in suitable patients undergoing radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer. To our knowledge, presented herein is the initial report of laparoscopic orthotopic ileal neobladder following cystectomy that was performed completely intracorporeally in a porcine model. Materials and Methods: The laparoscopic technique was developed in seven pigs. Subsequently, a long-term survival study was performed in 12 consecutive animals. Laparoscopic cystectomy was performed, preserving the urethral sphincter. An ileal segment of 35 cm (first three animals), 45 cm (next four), or 55 cm (final five animals) with adequate mesentery was isolated; and ileal continuity was restored intracorporeally by a stapled anastomosis. Ileal detubularization for construction of an ileal neobladder, urethroileal anastomosis, and bilateral stented ileoureteral anastomoses to a tubular Studer limb extension were all created completely intracorporeally using only laparoscopic free-hand suturing and knot-tying. Biochemical data (preoperative and serial postoperative hemoglobin, renal panel, blood gases), radiologic studies (intravenous urogram, retrograde pouchgram), functional measures (neobladder urodynamics, Whitaker pressure-flow study of both ureters), and microscopic evaluation of the neobladder and ureteroileal and urethroileal anastomotic sites were obtained to evaluate the long-term functional and anatomic outcome. Results: Completely intracorporeal laparoscopic construction of an ileal orthotopic neobladder was successful in all 12 animals without intraoperative or early postoperative complications or open conversion. The mean operating time was 5.4 hours (range 4.5-6.5 hours), and the blood loss was minimal. All study pigs survived their predetermined follow-up period, ranging from 1 to 3 months. Late complications occurred in three animals: one port-site abscess and two cases of E. coli pyelonephritis and azotemia, leading to one death at 2 months. The mean serum creatinine concentrations were 1.33 mg/dL, 1.61 mg/dL, and 1.55 mg/dL at 1, 2, and 3 months, respectively. The mean neobladder capacity was 420 mL (range 250-700 mL) with pressures ≤20 cm H2O (range 17-20 cm H2O). Pre-euthanasia Whitaker testing confirmed excellent drainage in all 24 ureters. No ileoureteral or ileourethral anastomotic strictures or leaks were noted on intravenous urography, retrograde pouchgram, or postmortem physical calibration of the anastomotic sites. Histologic examination confirmed excellent healing without obvious fibrosis. Conclusion: Laparoscopic construction of an orthotopic neobladder is feasible. The anatomic and functional outcome is excellent and comparable to that of open surgery. Clinical application is imminent.