Fragmentation of leucine enkephalin as a function of laser fluence in a MALDI TOF-TOF

The effects of laser fluence on ion formation in MALDI were studied using a tandem TOF mass spectrometer with a Nd-YAG laser and α-cyano hydrocinnamic acid matrix. Leucine enkephalin ionization and fragmentation were followed as a function of laser fluence ranging from the threshold of ion formation to the maximum available, that is, about 280–930 mJ/mm2. The most notable finding was the appearance of immonium ions at fluence values close to threshold, increasing rapidly and then tapering in intensity with the appearance of typical backbone fragment ions. The data suggest the presence of two distinct environments for ion formation. One is associated with molecular desorption at low values of laser fluence that leads to extensive immonium ion formation. The second becomes dominant at higher fluences, is associated initially with backbone type fragments, but, at the highest values of fluence, progresses to immonium fragments. This second environment is suggestive of ion desorption from large pieces of material ablated from the surface. Arrhenius rate law considerations were used to estimate temperatures associated with the onset of these two processes.

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