Gamete intrafallopian transfer vs superovulation with intrauterine insemination for the treatment of infertility

Superovulation with intrauterine insemination (SO-IUI) has been suggested as an alternative to gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), despite the absence of controlled or comparative trials. We retrospectively analyzed all GIFT and SO-IUI cycles performed concurrently from January 1985 to August of 1987 at a single university center. Pregnancy rates were significantly better for GIFT than SO-IUI (PP=0.001). Stepwise multiple logistic regression identifield factors that correlate with pregnancy: absence of endometriosis (P=0.05), infertilityP=0.002), TMS ≧30×106 (P=0.005), and treatment with GIFT rather than SO-IUI (P=0.001). These data give a first approximation of the increased efficacy of GIFT versus SO-IUI and provide valuable insight into significant confounding variables to be considered when planning a randomized, prospective trial to evaluate these techniques.