Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation (CDI) has been gaining popularity in scoliosis surgery because of their improved rigidity which can obviate the need for a brace in most cases. Early results of this new system in scoliosis surgery have demonstrated a low pseudarthrosis and hardware complication rate. Because of these advantages, CDI was used to stabilise thoracolumbar fractures at the Lucerne Spinal Center. The results of 23 patients were reviewed with respect to completion of healing, change in neurological status, hardware complications, and follow-up radiographic parameters. Nine patients were braced and 14 were not braced post-operatively. Two elderly patients expired at 1 and 6 months following their injury from medical complications. Of the remaining 21 patients, all were evaluated at follow-up ranging from 6 to 28 months, mean 12.7 months. The evaluation revealed that all patients showed complete healing without significant neurological or hardware complications.