Epidermal and Phytochemical Studies in the Genus Boerhavia (Nyctaginaceae) in Nigeria

Boerhavia species are widely used in African traditional medicine. Four species of the genus occurring in Nigeria have been investigated morphologically and phytochemically. Epidermal cells are either polygonal in shape with straight anticlinal walls or irregular with curved or undulate walls. The cells are variable in size and thickness both within and among species. Anomocytic stomata are found in all species except in B. difffusa where a mixture of both anomocytic and anisocytic types occur. Trichomes are uniseriate and unbranched but are variable in size, distribution and abundance. These features are discussed in relation to the practical identification of the taxa. Phytochemically, screening showed that all species contain flavonoid or phenolic constituents while only traces of alkaloids and tannins are present. Free or combined anthraquinones and saponins were not detectable in any of the four taxa screened.