Dysfibrinogenemia: A case with thrombosis (fibrinogen richfield) and an overview of the clinical and laboratory spectrum

Fibrinogen Richfield exemplifies a dysfibrinogen associated with a life-long thrombotic tendency. The evaluation of this novel case indicates that, like similar thrombotic dysfibrinogenemias, the abnormal protein polymerizes abnormally and demonstrates impaired clot dissolution. A survey of other cases of dysfibrinogenemia indicates that the relatively common abnormalities of Fibrinopeptide A release are generally asymptomatic or associated with bleeding, polymerization abnormalities are likely to be asymptomatic or associated with thrombosis (or occasionally bleeding), and complex abnormalities or additional, independent hemostatic defects are rather common. Thrombin and Reptilase clotting times are not helpful in distinguishing between the subsets, but clinical history, fibrinopeptide release, and polymerization studies may be useful. Abnormalities of fibrinogen function tend to correlate with changes in molecular domains related to binding and hydrolysis.