The present study compared a computerized health education format to face-to-face and written methods. The effects of delivery method on the retention of health information and on participant evaluation of the condition were assessed. College student participants ( N = 200) were ran domly assigned to one of four conditions (computerized, face-to-face, written, or control) such that each condition contained 25 males and 25 females. The experimental groups reviewed a lengthy text on sexually transmitted diseases (STD) whereas the control group received no information. Participants were then assessed for self-report anxiety, appraisement of the ex perience, and recall of the text. Results showed participants in the computer and written con ditions freely recalled at an equivalent rate which was superior to the face-to-face format. No differences emerged between high and low computer experience subgroups of the computer condition. The face-to-face and computer conditions were assessed in positive terms with the written format being assessed more negatively. Although, detailed analysis revealed there was the potential for more negative perception of the computer method in association with increased anxiety. Results are discussed in terms of their demonstrating support for a computerized approach to health education.

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