Lectin histochemistry of the embryonic heart: Expression of terminal and penultimate galactose residues in developing rats and chicks

Rat embryos at days 10-18 of gestation and chicken embryos at days 3-6 of incubation were fixed and processed for lectin histochemistry. The distribution of binding sites for a lectin from the peanut Arachis hypogaea (PNA) conjugated to horseradish per-oxidase (HRP) was determined on tissue sections both before and after enzymatic cleavage of sialic acid with neuraminidase (sialidase). Endocardial cushion tissue in the rat, but not in the chick, reacted with PNA-HRP prior to digestion with sialidase. Endocardium of both species (12 and 13 days in rat, 5 and 6 days in chick), particularly at the level of endocardial cushions, reacted strongly with the sialidase-PNA sequence; this staining decreased markedly after day 14 of gestation in the rat. PNA binding sites capped by sialic acid were most abundant in the developing rat heart during the critical period of endocardial cushion formation and decreased as development proceeded. The marked changes in the appearance and distribution of cardiac cell and tissue glycoconjugates during cardiogenesis support the concept that rapid changes occur in the structure of complex carbohydrates during embryonic and fetal development. The findings also suggest that such glycosylation-related events may be species specific.