Functional Ion Laser Based upon a Thermionic Hollow Cathode Discharge

An ion laser based upon a thermionic hollow cathode discharge is described. The anode and the cathode are a pair of hollow metal cylinders that are spaced by a series of metal apertures along the axis of a solenoid. The laser is necessarily operated in a flowing gas mode; argon or krypton flows through the cathode tube and is pumped out through a high conductance sideport. The arc runs from the inside of the cathode tube at a point where the gas pressure is approximately 1 Torr. The characteristics of a variety of cathode types are discussed. The collimating structure consists of a number of relatively widely spaced metal apertures supported either on insulating rods or resting directly on the vacuum wall. The device is simple and completely demountable. A number of multiwatt versions of this design are discussed. The results of controlled life tests are presented and the expected useful lifetime of the laser is discussed.

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