The solution of the nonlinear stochastic equation L (x,t,ω) ψ (x,t,ω) =g (x,t)+f [ψ (x,t,ω)] is found via the renormalized projection operator technique and is approximated to be 〈ψ (x,t) 〉=F Fdxdt′ 〈Gp(x,tx′,t′) 〉 {ψint(x′,0)+g (x′,t′) } −F Fdxdt′〈P (x′,t′) 〉 = o e ing−brace)=F FdxdtGp(x,tx′,t ′) G0(x′,t′‖x,t〉 [ψint(x,0)+g (x,t)]}+ F Fdxdt′〈Gp(x,tx′,t′〉 〈fH(x′,t′)]〉. The terms 〈Gp(x,tx′,t′) 〉 and 〈Gp(x,tx′,t′) G0(x′,t′‖x,t) 〉 are the stochastic one‐ and two‐point Green’s functions. Also three conditions are shown that the projection operator must have in order to insure convergence.

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