A new acoustic-like mode in an unmagnetized dusty plasma

It is shown that because of the dependence of the plasma potential φ on the dust number density nd for given background plasma parameters and the dust grain radius, viz. φ=φ(nd), the dusty plasma is endowed with an effective temperature Teff which is proportional to dφ/dnd. The gradient of the effective pressure nd0Teff provides a restoring force for a new acoustic-like mode, which is referred to as the dust electro-acoustic (DEA) mode whose phase velocity equals (Teff/md)1/2, where md is the dust mass. The acoustic-like nature of the DEA mode is interpreted in terms of an effective screening (due to the dust charge fluctuations), called the “Coulomb screening,” with the screening length λc=(Teff/4πndqd2)1/2, where qd is the dust charge.

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