Cadmium-Induced Accumulation of Putrescine in Oat and Bean Leaves

The effects of Cd2+ on putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd), and spermine (Spm) titers were studied in oat and bean leaves. Treatment with Cd2+ for up to 16 hours in the light or dark resulted in a large increase in Put titer, but had little or no effect on Spd or Spm. The activity of arginine decarboxylase (ADC) followed the pattern of Put accumulation, and experiments with α-difluoromethylarginine established that ADC was the enzyme responsible for Put increase. Concentrations of Cd2+ as low as 10 micromolar increased Put titer in oat segments. In bean leaves, there was a Cd2+-induced accumulation of Put in the free and soluble conjugated fractions, but not in the insoluble fraction. This suggests a rapid exchange between Put that exists in the free form and Put found in acid soluble conjugated forms. It is concluded that Cd2+ can act like certain other stresses (K+ and Mg2+ deficiency, excess NH4+, low pH, salinity, osmotic stress, wilting) to induce substantial increases in Put in plant cells.