An Arginine Histochemical Method Using Sakaguchi's New Reagent

A mounted paraffin section of material fixed in Bouin's, Carnoy's or 10% formalin is allowed to stand 15 minutes at room temperature in a 0.3% solution of 8-hydroxyquinoline in 30% ethanol. The slide, with adhering solution, is placed in 0.15 N hypochlorite (with enough KOH added to make the solution 0.015 N KOH) for 60 seconds, then (without draining) into a solution containing: 10 ml. of 0.15 N KOH; 15 g. of urea; 70 ml. of tertiary butyl alcohol, and water to make 100 ml. Here it is gently agitated for 10 sec. and then kept in a second change of the same solution for 2 min. Two changes of pure tertiary butyl alcohol, 10 sec. and 4 min.; one in aniline, 3 min.; and one of 10 sec. in xylene, complete the procedure. Permount containing 0.02% aniline is used as a mounting medium.