Incomplete editing of rps12 transcripts results in the synthesis of polymorphic polypeptides in plant mitochondria.

C-to-U editing causes specific nucleotide changes in plant mitochondrial nRNAs that are required for the restoration of the evolutionarily conserved amino acid sequence. Transcripts for the ribosomal protein S12 gene (rps12) have six C-to-U editing sites and are highly heterogeneous as a result of incomplete editing. immunological analysis demonstrated that unedited or partially edited transcripts as well as edited mRNAs are translated. The edited rps12 translation products accumulate as ribosomal subunits, but the unedited rps12 translation products are present as unassembled subunits and are not detected in the ribosomes. Thus, gene expression is polymorphic as a result of incomplete C-to-U editing, and aberrant polypeptides are present from the translation of these mRNAs. However, because only the edited translation products accumulate in mitochondrial ribosomes, the overall expression of rps12 is rendered coherent by the selection