Experiences of Intra-Articular Administration of Radioactive Gold

Summary Intra-articular applications of radio-gold suspensions in doses of 1—10 mc were given a total of 156 times to 90 patients. It was shown by means of scanning that in the majority of cases radioactivity spread beyond the joint treated and that there were great individual differences in the degree of diffusion. The calculated radiation dose to the liver was insignificant in 18 cases out of 19; only in one exceptional case was it of about the same magnitude as in thorough abdominal roentgen examinations. The radiation dose to the regional lymph nodes was considerable in 5 out of 27 cases, and 1 case even displayed signs of radiation injury in the node. Clinical observations, based mainly on 85 cases of chronic knee hydrops, showed the effect of intra-articular application of radio-gold to be favourable in the majority of the cases and at least similar to that produced by means of osmium tetroxide. The series was too small in regard to the other joints to warrant clinical conclusions.