Effects of neurotransmitters upon the discharge of secretory product from the cutaneous glands of the red‐spotted newt

The effects of sympathetic and parasympathetic agonists and antagonists on discharge of secretory product by the granular and mucous glands were examined in the red-spotted newt, Notopthalmus viridescens viridescens. Observations were made also on the South African clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, the grass frog, Rana pipiens, and the crested newt, Triturus cristatus. In contrast to the granular glands of the South African clawed toad and the grass frog, which were stimulated by α-adrenergic agents, those of the red-spotted newt discharge in response to acetylcholine, either in vitro when added to the Holtfreter's solution in which explants were incubated, or in vivo when injected subcutaneously. Granular glands of the crested newt were also discharged in response to subcutaneous injection of acetylcholine. Stimulation of the granular glands by acetylcholine was blocked by atopine but not by tubocurarie, indicating that the cholinergic receptors are muscarinic rather than nicotinic. The mucous glands of the red-spotted newt, on the other hand, did not discharge in response to either acetylcholine or to adrenergic agents.