Mutagen-nucleic acid intercalative binding: structure of a 9-aminoacridine: 5-iodocytidylyl(3'-5')guanosine crystalline complex.

9-Aminoacridine forms a crystalline complex with the dinucleoside monophosphate, 5-iodocytidylyl(3''-5'')-guanosine. The 3-dimensional structure of this complex was resolved by X-ray crystallography and 2 distinct intercalative binding modes by this drug to miniature Watson-Crick double helical structures was observed. The 1st of these involves a pseudosymmetric stacking interaction between 9-aminoacridine molecules and guanine-cytosine base-pairs. This configuration may be used by 9-aminoacridine when intercalating into DNA. The 2nd configuration is an asymmetric interaction, largely governed by stacking forces between acridine and guanine rings. This type of association may play an important role in the mechanism of frameshift mutagenesis.