Magnetic Properties of the Hexagonal Antiferromagnet CsMnF3

The magnetic properties of the hexagonal antiferromagnetic CsMnF3 have been investigated by magnetic susceptibility, torsion, electron resonance, and nuclear-antiferromagnetic double resonance. Torsion measurements establish a transition to an antiferromagnetically ordered state at 53.5°K. A weak sixfold anisotropy in the transverse plane and a large axial anisotropy along the c axis corresponding, respectively, to the fields 36K3M=1.1 Oe and K1M=7500 Oe are detected. Susceptibility measurements at 4.2°K establish an exchange field HE=3.5×105 Oe. The temperature dependence of K3 was observed from 4.2°K to the transition temperature and compared with spin-wave and molecular field theory. From paramagnetic resonance measurements an isotropic g value of 1.9989±0.003 is determined. Magnetic resonance measurements below the transition temperature with the applied field in the transverse plane show a weak sixfold anisotropy consistent with the torsion measurements. Measurements out of the transverse plane confirm the large axial anisotropy. In the temperature range from 0.3 to 4.2°K there is an additional temperature dependent anisotropy field HA,T=9.15T Oe directed along the sublattices. This field arises from the hyperfine interaction with the Mn55 nuclear magnetization. Assuming parallel ordering within the transverse planes with adjacent planes alternately magnetized, a calculation of the classical dipolar interactions and of the ligand field anisotropy arising from the displacement of the nearest neighbor fluorines gives a combined axial anisotropy field K1M=7965 Oe. The in-plane anisotropy due to second-order dipolar interactions is estimated to be ≈2 Oe in reasonable agreement with observation. The strong coupling between the nuclei and electrons affords an opportunity to observe the Mn55 nuclear resonance indirectly by monitoring the position of the electron resonance field. A saturation of the nuclear magnetization is observed at 668 Mc/sec which is (3±1)% smaller than the calculated average hyperfine field of 689±7 Mc/sec. This indicates the presence of a zero-point reduction in the electron spin.