InSb CID arrays, in both 1 × 32 line and 16 × 24 two-dimensional format, have been successfully fabricated via a multilayer MIS processing technique. With the 1 × 32 line arrays, two-dimensional images were generated using a scanning mirror and a computer signal-conditioning technique. In this experiment the small temperature difference of a man's face was revealed. Two-dimensional, 16 × 24 area arrays have also been demonstrated in a staring mode by displaying real time raster-scanned IR images directly on a X-Y CRT monitor. The unprocessed IR video signal produced a sharp, clearly recognizable display with no sign of blooming, and exhibited excellent operating characteristics. Theoretical analysis showed that, at low sample rates, background limited performance (BLIP) can be obtained at background photon flux levels of as low as mid-1012photons/s . cm2. The dominant noise source, in this case, is the integrated dark current shot noise. For operation at high sample rates, however, the bandwidth-dependent noise sources limit the array performance and, thus, BLIP occurs at higher background levels. The analysis has been confirmed by measured data on line arrays, resulting in good agreement between the theoretical curve and the experimental data.